Marine Life is an animated storybook created for First-grade students, using H5P, Powtoon, adobe Illustrator, and WordPress. The following projects are STEAM PROJECTS created by my […]
Learning Disabilities that include Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, dyscalculia are one of the major factors that’s impacting my clients work performance. Being an L&D professional and a career […]
Highly informative article for small employers and parents of kids with Autism. Autism and Employment: How Even Small Companies Can Successfully Employee Staff with Autism
Discover how artificial intelligence enhances accessibility and inclusion for people with disabilities. From image and facial recognition to real-time captioning and virtual assistants, AI is breaking down barriers and empowering individuals with disabilities. Learn more!
Marine Life is an animated storybook created for First-grade students, using H5P, Powtoon, adobe Illustrator, and WordPress. The following projects are STEAM PROJECTS created by my […]
Learning Disabilities that include Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, dyscalculia are one of the major factors that’s impacting my clients work performance. Being an L&D professional and a career […]
Highly informative article for small employers and parents of kids with Autism. Autism and Employment: How Even Small Companies Can Successfully Employee Staff with Autism
Discover how artificial intelligence enhances accessibility and inclusion for people with disabilities. From image and facial recognition to real-time captioning and virtual assistants, AI is breaking down barriers and empowering individuals with disabilities. Learn more!